1 review for Three Little Shrimp


“I thought this was a warm and delightful book for young children. It provides information about the sea and the creatures that inhabit the sea, but also provides gentle wisdom about venturing out into unknown territory and what to watch for. The book also touches on “safety” in ways that children can understand. I enjoyed this picture book, and think you will too.” – JUDITH ADDINGTON

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Three Little Shrimp


One fine day three little shrimp are swimming happily with their troop. One is an adventurer, one is a follower, and the other is a worry wort. Mesmerized by the wonders of the colorful world around them, they suddenly get an idea. Actually, it’s more like a bad decision. They swim away from the safety of their troop to explore and look for adventure. They swim here and there and everywhere. Little do they know, there are hungry predators lurking all around.

Might these three young shrimp become someone’s fine meal?

Set in coastal waters, Three Little Shrimp showcases the wonder of childhood amidst the backdrop of lurking danger. This best seller has sold 10’s of thousands of copies worldwide and won the coveted “Mom’s Choice Award” in 2013.

…water and sea animal loving youngsters will enjoy participating in a read aloud session of Three Little Shrimp, all the while learning about the habitats of shrimp and the food that they eat.” — THE CHILDREN'S BOOK REVIEW

(Pelican Publishing, 2017)

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